FDA Regulated Clinical Ophthalmic Studies //
At our Springmill facility our physician investigators have conducted ophthalmic clinical trials on over 2,000 subjects leading to FDA drug approval to treat corneal and external ocular diseases. Contact our office if you are interested in participating.
We recruit study subjects to enroll in trials sponsored by pharmaceutical companies attempting to prove the usefulness of a new pharmaceutical agents and treatments.
At Midwest Cornea Associates, we take your health and vision seriously. We participate only in Phase II and III trials studies. Specifically, after the treatment, device or drug has been proven not to be harmful, we then participate in clinical trials to determine how effective the item is and for how long.
Participation in clinical trials offers patients access to new treatments all at no cost. Many studies offer compensation for your travel expense and time. All of these clinical studies are done with the goal of getting approval by the United States Food & Drug Administration allowing these agents to be available to the public.